Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ready for ACTION.

So I've finally got all the essentials for my video camera..

..Just some small minor adjustments left to do, and I'll be up and ready for some shoots.

So far, the quality is GREAT. So hopefully I'll have some test shots that I may upload in while.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Blah Blah Blah Video Cameras

My new Brevis35mm adapter is here!!! So without having to explain to you what that is, I'll just give you a Wiki link:

So basically, to make it short, a DOF adapter will help give my video a more of a film look, with much better depth of field. I'll also be purchasing a canon lens that I'll then put at the end of the Brevis35.

So with all that, all on my JVC HD7, I'm sure to have a pretty strange and lengthy looking camera setup.


In case you were wondering..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dear Reader,

So I had this interesting little thought the other day: Why do people always address others at the beginning of  letters by saying 'Dear'. This thought had never really occurred to me, until I really began to think about it. Now it makes complete sense to start a letter with Dear, if that letter is directed to, say, a loved one. Or in other cases, someone who is DEAR to you, and I understand that it's just the formal way of beginning a letter. But for example, say I were to write a letter to Director Michal Bay. I would start by saying: "Dear Michal Bay,...", right? But wait.. Michal Bay isn't dear to me.. And now all I can think of while thinking upon this is: "To my dear beloved Michal Bay"...

...But I hate Michal Bay...


Friday, July 15, 2011

Today, I got a haircut.

     ..And while waiting for said haircut, I had the great curiosity of flipping through one of the many booklets, full of 'haircuts for men'. So as I began flipping through the book, page after page, I couldn't help but notice how extremely homo-erotic and absurd the hairstyles (as well as the models themselves) were. Shirtless men, with little pink bow ties, all that jazz. Dudes with the most unrealistic hairstyles known to man.
      And I just can't help but notice how EVERY SINGLE mens hair style book I run into these days, all keep up with this trend of having the most ridiculous haircuts ever. I don't know. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm just not keeping up with today's new look...

Yeah... I'm sure that's the problem.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Park Benches

I now have this 'thing' for sitting alone in the park. I'm not sure if it's the big yet surprisingly comfortable benches, or just starring at all the strange people that walk by, but it is VERY relaxing for me. Just to sit there after a long day of work, in no rush whatsoever, just quietly taking in the nice weather. In fact, I wouldn't even mind being homeless for a day, just so I could enjoy sleeping on one of those huge benches. And so I say: Don't take park benches for granted! Sit down. Rest a while.
